Kefka's Discworld MUD Item Database

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Item Database [7890 items, 804 shops, 183 eateries, 1125 NPCs listed]

This database attempts to index the items, shops and NPCs of the Disc, and relationships between them as comprehensively as possible. Many thanks to all who have helped me along the way. If you see an error or an omission, please contact Avicenna on the MUD or by email. Please read the F.A.Q if you have further queries.


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Black leather shoes

   This is a nice pair of black leather shoes. Treat them well and they'll take care of your feet.

Size: 1' x 6"   Material: Leather   Weight: ?

Can be purchased at...
   Jerdan and Hare, clothiers (Edgeway Road, Ankh-Morpork) for A$2.25
   Scoonwinkle's Shoe Store (Hopper Street, Ankh-Morpork) for 15p

Has been spotted on...
   Accountant (Ankh-Morpork)
   Albert (Death's house)
   Analla Lumberg (Ankh-Morpork)
   Beautiful athletic woman (Genua. Upstairs inside the Diamond City Casino, on Savannah Road)
   Brother Asap (Uberwald. Inside the Temple of the Monks of Cool)
   Bumpkin, commoner, dame, denizen, householder, housewife, local, lodger, peasant, resident, rustic, subject, tenant, townsman, yokel (Lancre Town)
   Bumpkin, commoner, villager, yokel (Uberwald. The Unnamed Town east of Escrow)
   Carpenter (Sto Lat)
   Charles Marchella (Genua. Upstairs inside the Diamond City Casino, on Savannah Road)
   Cigarette girl (Genua. Inside the Diamond City Casino, on Savannah Road)
   Coffee Nostra hitman (Genua)
   Doctor (Ohulan-Cutash. In the operating theatre)
   Eki Rhs (Ankh-Morpork)
   Enrico Persuica (Genua. Inside Honest Joe's Used Horses, on Carrefour Crescent)
   Farmer (Ohulan-Cutash)
   Farmer (Ramtops. Various villages)
   Fishmonger (Sto Lat)
   Florist (Sto Lat)
   Frankie Harvard (Genua. Upstairs inside the Diamond City Casino, on Savannah Road)
   Gassy Holmfirth (Ankh-Morpork. Inside the Thieves' Guild, off The Street of Alchemists)
   Genteel lady (Genua. Inside Little Brindisi Pizzeria, on Samedi Crescent)
   Gentleman (Genua)
   Geraldo Ciaco (Genua. Upstairs inside the Diamond City Casino, on Savannah Road)
   Gibbering drunk (Sto Plains. Pekan Ford)
   Grubby scarred thug (Genua. Inside Honest Joe's Used Horses, on Carrefour Crescent)
   Heavily muscled man (Genua. Upstairs inside the Diamond City Casino, on Savannah Road)
   House boy (Genua. Inside the Mano Rossa headquarters, on Dauphin Street)
   Ilik Tanikalot (Ankh-Morpork)
   Joe Corrola (Genua. Inside Honest Joe's Used Horses, on Carrefour Crescent)
   John DeBois (Genua. Inside Little Brindisi Pizzeria, on Samedi Crescent)
   Librarian (Found inside the corridor maze created in the "endless halls" ritual)
   Lord Whiffleberry (Sto Lat. Inside Phida Manor, on Quirm Street)
   Man (Morpork) (Ankh-Morpork)
   Marlon Gumboni (Genua. Upstairs inside the Diamond City Casino, on Savannah Road)
   Mister Game (Ankh-Morpork. Inside Brother David's house of rest and safety, on Short Street)
   Mourner (Sto Lat. Found in the cemetery in the northeast of the city)
   Mr Carter (Ankh-Morpork. Inside the Assassins' Guild, on Filigree Street)
   Mr Chumbley (Slippery Hollow. Nasty Novelties and Ghastly Gifts)
   Mr Pin (Ankh-Morpork)
   Mr Tulip (Ankh-Morpork)
   Old John (Ankh-Morpork. Inside the Royal Art Museum, on Lower Broadway)
   Olivia (Ankh-Morpork. Inside the Royal Art Museum, on Lower Broadway)
   Opera singer (Ankh-Morpork. Isle of Gods)
   Pa Abigayle (Ankh-Morpork. The pier of the Fish Dock)
   Paul Clemence (Genua. Inside Little Brindisi Pizzeria, on Samedi Crescent)
   Peasant (Ohulan-Cutash)
   Peeves (Sto Lat. Inside Phida Manor, on Quirm Street)
   Pie seller (Sto Lat. The Royal Market)
   Pleasant looking gentleman (Genua. Inside Little Brindisi Pizzeria, on Samedi Crescent)
   Professor Stone (Ankh-Morpork. Inside the Assassins' Guild, on Filigree Street)
   Rich man (Sto Lat)
   Rogue (Ramtops. Inside a house in Mad Stoat)
   Rowdy woman (Genua. Inside Honest Joe's Used Horses, on Carrefour Crescent)
   Samuel Casso (Genua. Inside Honest Joe's Used Horses, on Carrefour Crescent)
   Schoolboy (Genua. Found inside the Tacticus Academy, on Rue Ephebe, but also roaming the streets)
   Schoolgirl (Genua. Found inside the Tacticus Academy, on Rue Ephebe, but also roaming the streets)
   Security guard (Genua. Inside the Diamond City Casino, on Savannah Road)
   Servant (Ankh-Morpork)
   Shady character (Genua. Regularly at entrance of marketplace of off Carrefour Crescent)
   Sir Reynold Stitched (Ankh-Morpork. Inside the Royal Art Museum, on Lower Broadway)
   Stevie Cicone (Genua. Inside Little Brindisi Pizzeria, on Samedi Crescent)
   Stippler (Ankh-Morpork. Inside the Assassins' Guild, on Filigree Street)
   Tanner (Sto Lat)
   Tea lady (Genua. Inside the Mano Rossa headquarters)
   The Contabile of the Mano Rossa (Genua. Inside the Mano Rossa headquarters, on Dauphin Street)
   The Curator (Ankh-Morpork. Inside the Assassins' Guild, on Filigree Street)
   Thief (Sto Lat)
   Tinker (Sto Lat)
   Villager (Ramtops. In Listeners' Valley, near the Temple of Listening Monks)
   Vintner (Sto Lat)
   Washerwoman (Sto Lat)