Kefka's Discworld MUD Item Database

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Item Database [7890 items, 804 shops, 183 eateries, 1125 NPCs listed]

This database attempts to index the items, shops and NPCs of the Disc, and relationships between them as comprehensively as possible. Many thanks to all who have helped me along the way. If you see an error or an omission, please contact Avicenna on the MUD or by email. Please read the F.A.Q if you have further queries.


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Black silk shirt

   This is a shirt made from black silk. When it catches the light in a certain way the black seems to
   have a deep blue colouration.

Size: 2.1' x 1.5'   Material: Silk   Weight: ?

Can be purchased at...
   A cramped shop (Inside the Thieves' Guild, hidden in the northeast quarter of the sewers, Genua) for 5,0Gl
   A guild shop (In a hidden location on Quirm Street, Sto Lat) for A$3.75
   A student shop (Inside the Assassins' Guild, on Filigree Street, Ankh-Morpork) for A$3.75
   Collars and Cuffs accessories (Mezzanine floor of Milords & Miladies, Spa Lane, Ankh-Morpork) for A$3.75
   Crease's Silk Exclusives (Southwest corner of the silk market, Bes Pelargic) for 3Rh 15s
   The Mano Rossa clothes shop (Inside the Mano Rossa headquarters, on Dauphin Street, Genua) for 5,0Gl

Has been spotted on...
   Assassin (Ankh-Morpork)
   Baron Strifenkanen (Ankh-Morpork. Inside the Assassins' Guild, on Filigree Street)
   Cigarette girl (Genua. Inside the Diamond City Casino, on Savannah Road)
   Cimbar (Ohulan-Cutash. In a hidden location on Quayside Way)
   Courtier (Sto Lat)
   Doktor von Ubersetzer (Ankh-Morpork. Inside the Assassins' Guild, on Filigree Street)
   Guard assassin (Ohulan-Cutash. In a hidden location on Quayside Way)
   Guido of Gapp (Ankh-Morpork. Found inside the eastern half of the Temple of Small Gods)
   Lord Hong Jr (Bes Pelargic. Inside Hong Estate, in the Hong Fa district)
   Lord Whiffleberry (Sto Lat. Inside Phida Manor, on Quirm Street)
   Monsieur le Balourd (Ankh-Morpork. Inside the Assassins' Guild, on Filigree Street)
   Mr Moody (Ankh-Morpork. Inside the Assassins' Guild, on Filigree Street)
   Mr Schotter (Ankh-Morpork. Inside the Assassins' Guild, on Filigree Street)
   Mr. Hyena (Bes Pelargic)
   Salan Feiht (Ankh-Morpork)
   Serec (Ankh-Morpork)
   Shady character (Genua. Regularly at entrance of marketplace of off Carrefour Crescent)
   Sir Reynold Stitched (Ankh-Morpork. Inside the Royal Art Museum, on Lower Broadway)
   Smuggler (Ephebe. In the smuggler tunnels beneath the city)
   Student assassin (Ankh-Morpork. Inside the Assassins' Guild, on Filigree Street)
   The Contabile of the Mano Rossa (Genua. Inside the Mano Rossa headquarters, on Dauphin Street)
   Thief (Ankh-Morpork)
   Thom Crooze (Ankh-Morpork. Inside All Bar None, on the Isle of Gods)