Kefka's Discworld MUD Item Database

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Item Database [7890 items, 804 shops, 183 eateries, 1125 NPCs listed]

This database attempts to index the items, shops and NPCs of the Disc, and relationships between them as comprehensively as possible. Many thanks to all who have helped me along the way. If you see an error or an omission, please contact Avicenna on the MUD or by email. Please read the F.A.Q if you have further queries.


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Mr Foo's Bargain Basement Hall of Paint

   Show map and shop details

Location: Middle of Squid Walk, Bes Pelargic.

This shop sells...
   Fan-shaped paint brush for 1Rh 5s
   Gold-handled paint brush for 1Rh 5s
   Ivory-handled paint brush for 1Rh 5s
   Mahogany-handled paint brush for 1Rh 5s
   Multi-functional stripper for 10Rh
   Packet of glitter for 55s
   Pearwood-handled paint brush for 1Rh 5s
   Slender paint brush for 1Rh 5s
   Tasselled paint brush for 1Rh 5s
   Tin of antique white paint for 100s
   Tin of apple green paint for 100s
   Tin of aquamarine paint for 100s
   Tin of azure paint for 100s
   Tin of blood red paint for 100s
   Tin of blushed lavender paint for 100s
   Tin of cadet grey paint for 100s
   Tin of chocolate brown paint for 100s
   Tin of cornflower blue paint for 100s
   Tin of cornsilk paint for 100s
   Tin of cream paint for 100s
   Tin of crimson paint for 100s
   Tin of dark orchid paint for 100s
   Tin of firebrick paint for 100s
   Tin of floral white paint for 100s
   Tin of forest green paint for 100s
   Tin of honeydew paint for 100s
   Tin of hot pink paint for 100s
   Tin of ivory paint for 100s
   Tin of jet black paint for 100s
   Tin of khaki paint for 100s
   Tin of lemon chiffon paint for 100s
   Tin of lemon yellow paint for 100s
   Tin of light bamboo paint for 100s
   Tin of light cyan paint for 100s
   Tin of light turquoise paint for 100s
   Tin of lime green paint for 100s
   Tin of linen white paint for 100s
   Tin of mahogany brown paint for 100s
   Tin of midnight black paint for 100s
   Tin of mint cream paint for 100s
   Tin of navy blue paint for 100s
   Tin of ocean blue paint for 100s
   Tin of ochre paint for 100s
   Tin of off-white paint for 100s
   Tin of olive green paint for 100s
   Tin of pale blue paint for 100s
   Tin of pale goldenrod paint for 100s
   Tin of plum paint for 100s
   Tin of pumpkin orange paint for 100s
   Tin of rosy brown paint for 100s
   Tin of scarlet paint for 100s
   Tin of seashell paint for 100s
   Tin of sienna paint for 100s
   Tin of slate blue paint for 100s
   Tin of slate grey paint for 100s
   Tin of snow white paint for 100s
   Tin of snowdrop white paint for 100s
   Tin of stone-washed grey paint for 100s
   Tin of stormy grey paint for 100s
   Tin of tan paint for 100s
   Tin of terracotta paint for 100s
   Tin of tomato red paint for 100s
   Tin of wheat paint for 100s
   Tin of whipped papaya paint for 100s
   Tin of yellow paint for 100s