Item Database [7890 items, 804 shops, 183 eateries, 1125 NPCs listed]
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Brown robe
This is a long brown robe. It looks very practical and can be used to protect someone from the
elements of nature. It is made of a rough linen material and a long dark sash hangs by its side.
The pockets of the long sleeves are large and airy. The brown robe has two side pockets.
Can be purchased at... No matching shops found.
Has been spotted on... Civil servant (Bes Pelargic) Docker (Bes Pelargic. Usually found around the Red Triangle district) Gardener (Bes Pelargic. Inside McSweeney Estate, north of the city) Maid (Bes Pelargic. Inside McSweeney Estate, north of the city) Urchin (Bes Pelargic. Commonly found around the Red Triangle district) [family name] dealer, merchant, salesman, saleswoman, trader, vendor (Bes Pelargic. Often found in the Imperial Palace gardens)