Kefka's Discworld MUD Item Database

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Item Database [7890 items, 804 shops, 183 eateries, 1125 NPCs listed]

This database attempts to index the items, shops and NPCs of the Disc, and relationships between them as comprehensively as possible. Many thanks to all who have helped me along the way. If you see an error or an omission, please contact Avicenna on the MUD or by email. Please read the F.A.Q if you have further queries.


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Silver locket

   This simple but elegant silver locket is engraved with a lovely flower motif, with the clasps of the
   fine silver chain on which it hangs formed to look like two tiny flowers.

Can be purchased at...
   Sylver's (East half of Washer Way, Ankh-Morpork) for A$12.50
   The guildhouse armoury (Musketeers' Guild, Dauphin Street, Genua) for 1,6,66Gf

Has been spotted on...
   Beautiful athletic woman (Genua. Upstairs inside the Diamond City Casino, on Savannah Road)
   Charles Marchella (Genua. Upstairs inside the Diamond City Casino, on Savannah Road)
   Coffee Nostra hitman (Genua)
   Genteel lady (Genua. Inside Little Brindisi Pizzeria, on Samedi Crescent)
   Gentleman (Genua)
   Geraldo Ciaco (Genua. Upstairs inside the Diamond City Casino, on Savannah Road)
   Grubby scarred thug (Genua. Inside Honest Joe's Used Horses, on Carrefour Crescent)
   Heavily muscled man (Genua. Upstairs inside the Diamond City Casino, on Savannah Road)
   Pleasant looking gentleman (Genua. Inside Little Brindisi Pizzeria, on Samedi Crescent)
   Rowdy woman (Genua. Inside Honest Joe's Used Horses, on Carrefour Crescent)
   Security guard (Genua. Inside the Diamond City Casino, on Savannah Road)