Kefka's Discworld MUD Item Database

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Item Database [7890 items, 804 shops, 183 eateries, 1125 NPCs listed]

This database attempts to index the items, shops and NPCs of the Disc, and relationships between them as comprehensively as possible. Many thanks to all who have helped me along the way. If you see an error or an omission, please contact Avicenna on the MUD or by email. Please read the F.A.Q if you have further queries.


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A fanciful art gallery

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Location: East end of Wung-Chi Lane, Bes Pelargic.

This shop sells...
   Auriental heroic painting for 333Rh 40s
   Auriental painting of a mountain for 333Rh 40s
   Auriental painting of an army for 333Rh 40s
   Auriental portrait for 333Rh 40s
   Calligraphised wall plaque for 141Rh 80s
   Coromandel peacock wall plaque for 168Rh 90s
   Iron-framed painting of Tang Bay for 83Rh 40s
   Painting of a cluster of peonies for 103Rh 27s
   Painting of a countryside river for 88Rh 86s
   Painting of a dragon for 83Rh 40s
   Painting of a fiery plum blossom branch for 103Rh 20s
   Painting of a fisherman with his daily catch for 85Rh 106s
   Painting of a flock of ducks in a lotus pond for 93Rh 58s
   Painting of a landscape near BhangBhangDuc for 98Rh 115s
   Painting of a misty mountain range for 97Rh 53s
   Painting of a scholar and a goose for 71Rh 111s
   Painting of a sunset over Bes Pelargic for 83Rh 40s
   Painting of a young woman playing the recorder for 92Rh 98s
   Painting of peasants bringing in a harvest for 86Rh 69s
   Painting of three stalks of bamboo for 83Rh 40s
   Peasant painting of a spring outing for 80Rh 39s
   Portrait of a young boy fishing for 87Rh 54s
   Portrait of a young woman by a pond for 103Rh 104s
   Portrait of a young woman with a fan for 88Rh 77s
   Shimmering goldfish wall plaque for 142Rh 99s
   Shou Shan stone wall plaque for 161Rh 76s
   Silver-framed painting of Shoo-Li for 83Rh 40s
   Traditional painting of a young child with a parasol for 82Rh 53s
   Traditional painting of two women singing for 101Rh 18s
   Traditional scroll painting of a child and a rabbit for 83Rh 40s