Kefka's Discworld MUD Item Database

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Item Database [7890 items, 804 shops, 183 eateries, 1125 NPCs listed]

This database attempts to index the items, shops and NPCs of the Disc, and relationships between them as comprehensively as possible. Many thanks to all who have helped me along the way. If you see an error or an omission, please contact Avicenna on the MUD or by email. Please read the F.A.Q if you have further queries.


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Black soft-soled boots

   This is a pair of soft-soled, ankle-length black boots. The soles are almost silent and the velvet
   uppers are the mandatory black.

Can be purchased at...
   A guild shop (In a hidden location on Quirm Street, Sto Lat) for A$3.75
   A weapon shop (Inside the Assassins' Guild, on Filigree Street, Ankh-Morpork) for A$3.75
   An equipment shop (Inside the Hashishim Caves, south of Djelibeybi) for DjToon 7.50
   An equipment shop (In a hidden location at the north end of the city, Genua) for 5,0Gl

Has been spotted on...
   Assassin (Ankh-Morpork)
   Assassin (Ohulan-Cutash. In a hidden location on Quayside Way)
   Baron Strifenkanen (Ankh-Morpork. Inside the Assassins' Guild, on Filigree Street)
   Cimbar (Ohulan-Cutash. In a hidden location on Quayside Way)
   Doktor von Ubersetzer (Ankh-Morpork. Inside the Assassins' Guild, on Filigree Street)
   Dr Perdore (Ankh-Morpork. Inside the Assassins' Guild, on Filigree Street)
   Guard assassin (Ohulan-Cutash. In a hidden location on Quayside Way)
   Happy Sekani (Inside the Hashishim Caves, south of Djelibeybi)
   Hashishim (Inside the Hashishim Caves, south of Djelibeybi)
   Imposing man (Ohulan-Cutash. In a hidden location on Quayside Way)
   Jaymes Bursar (Ohulan-Cutash. In a dark room in a hidden location on Quayside Way)
   Kabuki actor (Bes Pelargic)
   Madame les Deux-Epees (Ankh-Morpork. Inside the Assassins' Guild, on Filigree Street)
   Master Rallick (Ankh-Morpork. Inside the Assassins' Guild, on Filigree Street)
   Miss Smith-Rhodes (Ankh-Morpork. Inside the Assassins' Guild, on Filigree Street)
   Monsieur le Balourd (Ankh-Morpork. Inside the Assassins' Guild, on Filigree Street)
   Mr Graumunchen (Ankh-Morpork. Inside the Assassins' Guild, on Filigree Street)
   Mr Moody (Ankh-Morpork. Inside the Assassins' Guild, on Filigree Street)
   Mr Nivor (Ankh-Morpork. Inside the Assassins' Guild, on Filigree Street)
   Mr Schotter (Ankh-Morpork. Inside the Assassins' Guild, on Filigree Street)
   Salan Feiht (Ankh-Morpork)
   Shadowy gentleman (Genua. Inside a random tavern in the city)
   Sol (Ankh-Morpork. Inside the Thieves' Guild, off The Street of Alchemists)
   Student assassin (Ankh-Morpork. Inside the Assassins' Guild, on Filigree Street)
   The Abd al Alim (Inside the Hashishim Caves, south of Djelibeybi)
   The bookkeeper (Inside the Hashishim Caves, south of Djelibeybi)
   The Extremely Reverend Dr A-Pox-Upon-Their-Houses Jenkins (Ankh-Morpork. Inside the Assassins' Guild, on Filigree Street)
   The Fashion Policeman (Uberwald. Inside the Temple of the Monks of Cool)
   The Kompt de Yoyo (Ankh-Morpork. Inside the Assassins' Guild, on Filigree Street)
   The Tang gardener (Bes Pelargic. Inside Tang Estate, in Tang Bay)
   Yu Khabeer (Inside the Hashishim Caves, south of Djelibeybi)